Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade

If you are brave enough to start, then you are brave enough to succeed


UOSI Belgrade helps with employment and self-employment of persons with disabilities.

Training and education

UOSI Belgrade, in cooperation with its partners, organizes trainings for people with disabilities.

Field trips

UOSI Belgrade, in cooperation with its partners, organizes field trips for people with disabilities


The Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade is the winner of the “Stars of Belgrade” award, for its contribution to the betterment of the standing of persons with disabilities in Belgrade


Udruženje osoba sa invaliditetom Beograd je uslo u tim vizije desetogodisnjeg plana napretka Beograda u domenu problema osoba sa invaliditetom.

Udruženje osoba sa invaliditetom Beograd je partner u realizaciji

Inkluzivno naučnog projekta Evropskog socijalnog fonda

Built ramps
Employed PWDs
Organized field trips for PWDs around Serbia
PWDs trained to work on a computer
PWDs attended psychology workshops
People attended forums and round table discussions

Naš tim stručnih saradnika

Gordana Pušara

Predsednik udruženja.

Prim. Dr. Sci med. Ljubica Nikčević Krivokapić

Naučni saradnik, Specijalista fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije 

Snežana Dašić

Socijalni radnik, master politikolog socijalne politike, doktorand na Fakultetu političkih nauka.

Marko Jović

Diplomirani pravnik. Položen pravosudni ispit. Uža oblast rada je radno i socijalno pravo sa posebnim osvrtom na pravo zaštite OSI

Daniela Nenadić

Diplomirani specijalni pedagog


The Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade invites all interested persons with disabilities who have acquired a disability due to an injury at work to contact us in order to facilitate the exercise of their rights and obtain free legal advice.  

The application is done by clicking on the button below and filling out the form

What others say about us

We emphasize that the cooperation so far has been successful in all areas - information exchange, planning and implementation of joint tasks, and fulfillment of obligations and respect for deadlines.

Zoran Martinović


I take this opportunity, first of all, to thank you for the extremely successful organization of the forum “Help, support, accept and employ a person with disability” within the project “I want, I can 

Mina Vuković

Integration Advisor

Partneri i donatori