Inclusive scientific project of the European Social Fund

Digital Marketing Capacity Building – Empowering Persons with Physical Disabilities for Remote Work (DI-MARC)

The international consortium, with the Institute of Economic Sciences from Belgrade as the lead partner, started on October 1, 2023 with the implementation of the inclusive scientific project The Institute of Economic Sciences from Belgrade has started the implementation of the inclusive scientific project "Digital Marketing Capacity Building - Empowering Persons with Physical Disabilities for Remote Work", short DI-MARK.Digital Marketing Capacity Building – Empowering Persons with Physical Disabilities for Remote Work“ kraće DI-MARC).

DI-MARC The DI-MARK project was approved under the highly competitive ESF 2022 SOC-INNOV call of the European Social Fund plus (ESF) and was awarded 96/100 points by the evaluators, which is one of the highest scores for projects in the field of social sciences that Serbia has received for programs funded by the European Commission. The duration of the project is 24 months (1 October 2023 - 30 September 2025).

The DI-MARK project is implemented by the Digital Economics Department of the Institute of Economic Sciences in cooperation with nine institutions from Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro under the Employment and Social Innovation component of the European Social Fund plus, the main EU program in the field of labor, employment and social policy, which is also open to candidate countries for EU membership.

Partners involved in the implementation of the project:

  1. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia - Project Manager
  2. Regional Agency for Development and European Integration, Belgrade, Serbia
  3. Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade, Serbia
  4. Jaglac - Association of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Croatia
  5. Centre for Entrepreneurship, Osijek, Croatia
  6. Entrepreneurial - Development Centre of the Municipality of Erdut, Croatia
  7. Municipality of Erdut, Croatia
  8. MAMM, Nikšić, Montenegro
  9. Association of Disabled Youth in Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
  10. Municipality of Kotor, Montenegro.

DI-MARK project focuses on the use of digital technologies to improve inclusion, i.e. improving the digital marketing competencies and skills of persons with physical disabilities for remote work (remote work). Remote work offers exceptional potential for the employment of persons with physical disabilities. However, the main challenges for them are the partial or total exclusion from the labor market and the lack of digital skills required for employment both in the traditional labor market and on remote digital work platforms (Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr). In this regard, the aim of the DI-MARC project is to improve the competencies of persons with disabilities, which will be achieved by (1) assessing the level of their existing skills and competencies and (2) creating and implementing training programs to build and improve the skills and competencies required for work. The digital marketing segment was selected as the primary area for research because of the significant increase in demand for jobs in this field on remote work platforms, and the fact that the opportunities for employment of persons with physical disabilities are greatest in the digital marketing sector.


Promotion of the DI-MARC Program at the conference held in honour of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, 2023.

Guest appearance of the President of the Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade, Gordana Pušara, on Red TV, promotion of the program, and the role of the Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade in the DI-MARC project as the only association from Serbia selected by the Institute of Economic Sciences Belgrade to participate in the project.

On February 13, 2024, a meeting was held with the Civic Association "Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities Zlatibor" regarding participation in the Di-Marc project.

The appearance of the president of the Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade, Gordana Pušara, on "Glas javnosti" (Voice of the Public), promoting the program and the role of the Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade in the DI-MARC project, selected as the only association from Serbia by the Institute of Economic Sciences Belgrade to participate in the project.

On February 15, 2024, a meeting with the Association of Persons with Disabilities Užice regarding the implementation and participation in the DI-MARC project was held.

Organized by the Association of Persons with Disabilities "Beograd," a meeting was held on February 21, 2024, at the premises of the Zvezdara municipality. The meeting was attended by the president of the Zvezdara municipality, Vladan Jeremić, the deputy president of the municipality, Dragana Djurić, representatives of the National Employment Service, representatives of NGOs, as well as Gordana Pušara and Snežana Dašić representing the Association of Persons with Disabilities "Beograd.". The meeting aimed to promote and involve participants in the research and planned training within the DI-MARC project, which focuses on enhancing digital marketing competencies for individuals with physical disabilities. The president of the association, Gordana Pušara, and the association's collaborator, Snežana Dašić, briefed the attendees on detailed information about the project and emphasized the importance of involving persons with disabilities in the research, as well as their later participation in the training program.

On February 23, 2024, a meeting took place with the Association of Students with Disabilities in Niš regarding the implementation and participation in the DI-MARC project.

On February 23, 2024, a meeting was held with the Association of Dystrophy Patients of the Jablanica District in Leskovac regarding the implementation and participation in the DI-MARC project.

DI-MARC promotion of TV Leskovac

On February 29, 2024, a meeting was held in Novi Sad to promote the DI-MARC project. The meeting was attended by the presidents of the Federation of Disabled Workers of Vojvodina, the Federation of Kidney Patients of Vojvodina, the Federation of Dystrophics, the Federation of Paraplegics, and the Society of Multiple Sclerosis of Vojvodina. It was an interactive meeting where representatives of the Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade, President Gordana Pušara, and colleague Snežana Dašić presented the project and invited participation in the research organized within the project. The project leader is the Institute of Economic Sciences, and our association is a partner in the DI-MARC project. The project involves research on 300 persons with disabilities, from which a total of 45 candidates from the region will be selected: 15 candidates each from Serbia, Croatia, and Montenegro for digital marketing training.

On Monday, March 4, 2024, a meeting was held at the Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities regarding the implementation and participation in the research on persons with disabilities in the field of digital marketing within the DI-MARC project.

On March 29, 2024, starting at 1 PM, the conference "Empowered, We Can Advance" was held at the Voždovac City Municipality. The speakers at the conference were Gordana Pušara, President of the Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade; Ljiljana Marković, Coordinator for Regional Development and Project Management; Snežana Dašić, social worker with a Master’s in Social Policy; Marijana Taranović Todorović, Special Educator; and Marija Stefanović, Psychologist. Ljiljana Marković introduced the DI-MARC project to the attendees, a regional project funded by the EU Social Fund Plus, aimed at empowering persons with physical disabilities for remote work by strengthening competencies in digital marketing. Gordana Pušara updated the attendees on the latest developments related to the Association’s work on the DI-MARC project. Snežana Dašić informed the attendees about the main goals of the DI-MARC project.

On April 3, 2024, a meeting of the internal network of organizations, federations, and associations of persons with disabilities from the Zvezdara municipality was held at the premises of the Zvezdara City Municipality, organized by the Office for Assistance to Persons with Disabilities. Representing the Association of Persons with Disabilities "Belgrade" were Branislav Paskulj, Deputy President of the Association; Marko Jović, a member of the Association and Deputy Secretary of the Zvezdara Municipal Assembly; and Snežana Dašić, social worker with a Master’s in Social Policy, a permanent expert associate of the Association. At the meeting, Snežana Dašić presented the DI-MARC project, which the Association is implementing in collaboration with nine other partners, coordinated by the Institute of Economic Sciences from Belgrade. Representatives of all associations gathering members with physical disabilities were invited to inform their members about the project and the opportunity to participate in the ongoing research, as well as the potential participation in the upcoming training to enhance remote work competencies in the field of digital marketing.

On April 5, 2024, a meeting was held in Sokobanja with representatives of the Sokobanja municipality.
Attendees included:
● Gordana Pušara, President of the Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade
From Sokobanja:
● Danijela Vasiljević, President of the Sokobanja Municipal Assembly
● Milena Antić, Coordinator and Project Analyst in the Youth Sector
● Jelena Vasiljević Milosavljević, Councilor for Health, Education, Social Policy, and Religious Communities

Gordana Pušara presented the work on the DI-MARC project, including the project leaders and partners, as well as the project’s methodology, research process, and the subsequent selection of persons with disabilities who will undergo digital marketing training.

The Sokobanja representatives outlined their approach and the assistance they provide to persons with disabilities.

Collaboration was agreed upon, and contact will be made with persons with disabilities to involve them in the program.

The meeting concluded with mutual satisfaction due to the successful agreement on cooperation.

On May 22, 2024, a working meeting was held to discuss the arrangements for training.

On August 21, 2024, a panel discussion titled "Supporting the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Through Education" was held.

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, a roundtable was held in relation to the Di-Marc project. The Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade is a partner in the implementation of this program.

Udruženje osoba sa invaliditetom Beograd je partner na realizaciji tog programa.


Gostovanje predsednika Udruženja osoba sa invaliditetom Beograd Gordane Pušare na televiziji Studio B i promocija programa Di-Marc

Training on digital marketing strategy - serbia

On October 14, 2024, the first module of the "Digital Marketing Strategy" training was launched in Belgrade as part of the "Digital Marketing Capacity Building - Empowering Persons with Physical Disabilities for Remote Work" (DI-MARC) project. This training, aimed at individuals with physical disabilities, seeks to enhance their digital skills and competencies, making them more competitive and visible in the remote platforms an job market as well .

Sonja Manojlović, representing the Regional Agency for Development and European Integration Belgrade, the organizer of the training and project partner, addressed the participants, while Gorana Pušara, the President of the Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade, spoke on behalf of the association. Ivana Domazet, a member of the project team, greeted the participants on behalf of the Institute of Economic Sciences, the project's lead organization.

The first training module offers participants the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills in digital marketing strategy, including market analysis, target audience definition, goal setting, and digital campaign planning, all of which are key steps in empowering them for remote work. Following this module, participants will continue with training in "Social Media Marketing" and "Content Marketing." These courses are designed to equip them with practical skills and provide easier access to job opportunities in the digital world.

Marketing na društvenim mrežama

Drugi modul obuka u okviru DI-MARC projekta, pod nazivom Marketing na društvenim mrežama, uspešno je realizovan u Beogradu.

Nakon što su polaznici kroz prvi modul savladali osnove Strategije digitalnog marketinga, drugi modul pružio im je priliku da prošire svoja znanja i praktično ih primene u specifičnoj oblasti digitalnog marketinga. Obuka je okupila 25 učesnika koji su imali priliku da se detaljno upoznaju sa značajem marketinga na društvenim mrežama, strategijama za povećanje vidljivosti i prepoznatljivosti brenda kroz globalnu povezanost, kao i sa ključnim koracima u razvoju efektivne strategije na društvenim mrežama.

Polaznicima su prikazane tehnike planiranja, prilagođavanja i praćenja sadržaja, a obrađene su i vrste sadržaja koje se koriste na različitim platformama društvenih mreža, metode optimizacije i alati koji olakšavaju rad i povećavaju efikasnost. Tokom svih dana obuke, teorijska znanja bila su dopunjena konkretnim primerima iz prakse, kao i razmenom ličnih iskustava učesnika.

Ovakav pristup značajno je doprineo praktičnoj primeni stečenih znanja i razvoju veština, čime su polaznici obuke korak bliže osposobljavanju za uspešno poslovanje u oblasti digitalnog marketinga.

Tribina povodom međunarodnog dana osoba sa invaliditetom održana u gradskoj opštini Zvezdara

Povodom obeležavanja Međunarodnog dana osoba sa invaliditetom, 3. decembra 2024. godine, Udruženje osoba sa invaliditetom Beograd organizovalo je u Gradskoj opštini Zvezdara tribinu pod nazivom „Podrška položaju osoba sa invaliditetom u društvu“. Tribina je okupila brojne predstavnike institucija, organizacija i udruženja koji se bave pitanjem prava i integracije osoba sa invaliditetom, kao i sve zainteresovane građane.

Gordana Pušara, zastupnica Udruženja osoba sa invaliditetom Beograd, pozdravila je sve prisutne i naglasila značajnu ulogu podrške koju društvo mora pružiti osobama sa invaliditetom. Istakla je da je uloga zajednice u integraciji i inkluziji osoba sa invaliditetom od presudne važnosti, kako bi se omogućio ravnopravan pristup svim aspektima života, uključujući obrazovanje, zapošljavanje i društvenu participaciju.

Ispred Gradske opštine Zvezdara prisutnima se obratio predsednik opštine Mihajlo Dosković, koji je naglasio kontinuiranu posvećenost lokalne samouprave pružanju podrške osobama sa invaliditetom. On je istakao da će opština Zvezdara i dalje ulagati u projekte koji omogućavaju bolju integraciju i povećanje životnog standarda osoba sa invaliditetom.

Biljana Rakić, pomoćnik ministra Ministarstva za brigu o porodici i demografiju, predstavila je mere pomoći porodicama i osobama sa invaliditetom. Naglasila je da je Ministarstvo posvećeno pružanju svih neophodnih resursa kako bi osobe sa invaliditetom imale jednake šanse za normalan život i razvoj.

Juliјana Stanisavljević, predstavnica Ministarstva za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja, istakla je značaj podrške koju ministarstvo pruža osobama sa invaliditetom, kao i kontinuiranog unapređivanja socijalnih politika i mera koje omogućavaju njihovu veću inkluziju u radnu snagu i društvo u celini.

Ivana Domazet, članica projektnog tima DI-MARC ispred Instituta ekonomskih nauka, istakla je da obuke koje se trenutno realizuju u okviru projekta DI-MARC omogućavaju učesnicima, osobama sa fizičkim invaliditetom,  da unaprede svoje digitalne kompetencije, čime postaju konkurentniji na tržištu rada. Trenutno, 25 osoba sa fizičkim invaliditetom u Srbiji pohađa obuku u učionici, stičući ključne veštine u oblasti digitalnog marketinga. Projektni tim DI-MARC uskoro će započeti pripremu online obuka koje će biti dostupne na YouTube kanalu projekta, a od sledeće godine biće omogućene osobama sa fizičkim invaliditetom da putem interneta nastave sa učenjem. Ove online obuke će smanjiti digitalnu isključenost i pružiti ravnopravan pristup tržištu rada, osnažujući učesnike i povećavajući njihove šanse za zapošljavanje.

Biljana Todorović, načelnica Odeljenja Nacionalne službe za zapošljavanje, istakla je važnost podrške NSZ u zapošljavanju osoba sa invaliditetom. Naglasila je da je zapošljavanje osoba sa invaliditetom prioritet za NSZ, koja nudi različite oblike podrške i prilagođene programe zapošljavanja kako bi se obezbedila inkluzija na tržištu rada.

Tribina je bila prilika da se razmene iskustva, predstave aktuelni izazovi i rešenja, te ukaže na važnost kontinuirane podrške svim segmentima društva za osobe sa invaliditetom. Ovaj događaj predstavlja važan korak ka unapređenju uslova života i radnog okruženja za osobe sa invaliditetom u Srbiji.