Application Form If you want to become our member, please fill out this application form.We will contact you as soon as possible.We are looking forward to future cooperation and friendship.Association of Persons with Disabilities Belgrade. Name and surname (required field) Date of birth (required field) Phone number (required field) Email address Are you a member of an association, organization, or similar? (required field) YesNo Type of disability (required field) Check the appropriate boxes Speech and language disordersHearing impairmentVisual impairmentIntellectual disabilitiesPsychosomatic disordersChronic illnessesPhysical disabilityMultiple impairments Manner of acquiring disability: Urođeni invaliditetStečeni invaliditetDisabled workersRatni invalidiWar invalids Do you have categorization? (required field) YesNo Highest level of education achieved (required field) Unfinished elementary schoolFinished elementary schoolFinished high schoolFinished higher education schoolFinished universityMagister/Master degree Additional knowledge and skills What languages do you know? Employment status (required field) UnemployedEmployed through a youth employment serviceEmployed temporarilyEmployed indefinitelyEmployed but working unregistered If you are employed Write the name of the job title, and describe what you do Your motive for membership in the organization In your opinion, what would contribute to the improvement of the position of persons with disabilities in Belgrade?