On April 5, 2024, a meeting was held in Sokobanja with representatives of the Sokobanja municipality.
Attendees included:
Predsednik Udruženja osoba sa invaliditetom Beograd – Gordana Pušara
From Sokobanja:
Danijela Vasiljević – predsednica Skupštine opštine Sokobanja
Milena Antić – Koordinator i analiza projekata u oblasti rada sa omladinom
Jelena Vasiljević Milosavljević – većnik za zdravstvo, prosvetu, socijalnu politiku i verske zajednice.
Gordana Pušara presented the work on the DI-MARC project, including the project leaders and partners, as well as the project’s methodology, research process, and the subsequent selection of persons with disabilities who will undergo digital marketing training.
The Sokobanja representatives outlined their approach and the assistance they provide to persons with disabilities.
Collaboration was agreed upon, and contact will be made with persons with disabilities to involve them in the program.
The meeting concluded with mutual satisfaction due to the successful agreement on cooperation.